Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Various intenstial problem

Colon Cleansing
Bowel problems can cause nutritional deficiency, regardless of how good your diet is or how many vitamins you take. A poor diet creates sticky fecal matter. When there is not proper elimination, deposits of fecal matter build up along the wall of the colon or in the pockets of the colon. That's why even a mild case of constipation is a serious problem. Normally, the body pushes wastes out of your colon in eighteen to twenty-four hours. However, when you're not eliminating properly, these wastes may not leave for days. Usually the material deposits along your colon walls, it may not leave for months or years. These deposits of fecal matter in the colon get irritated. This may lead to a spastic or inflamed colon, conditions that interfere even more with nutrient absorption and also with proper bowel function. The feces that remain in one's system begin to decay, releasing toxins and poisonous gases that seep out into the blood and poison all the organs and tissues. The blood stream itself gets polluted, preventing it from removing the cells' wastes. So the whole system is poisoned by wastes.
Colon Cleansing

Friday, October 31, 2008

Women and Colon Cleansing, Women and Colonic Health

Colon Cleansing

90% of all sickness and disease begins inside an unclean colon.Toxins and waste build up in your colon just like they do in the pipes of your home. Both demand immediate attention or the results can be disastrous.

Colon Cleansing

Colon cancer is second only to lung cancer in terms of cancer deaths in the U.S., claiming the lives of nearly 50,000 men and women annually.Have you ever said to yourself, "I'm not constipated or backed-up. I go to bathroom everyday.I don't need a colon cleansing" ...or do you? Keep reading to find out if you're toxic!. The benefits of colon hydrotherapy

Colon Cleansing

The colon plays a remarkable role in our body's health. The condition of our colon has very significant effects on every organ in the human body and on our sense of well being in general.

Colon Cleansing

Despite what you may think or your daily bowel movements, many people are not aware of the fact that they need a good colon cleansing. Most people don't realize that the complete length of their colon is wedged with old, hardened fecal matter that only leaves a narrow enough channel for small, softer feces to pass through. Failure to cleanse your colon is like having an internal garbage dumping grounds within you left to accumulate as the years pass.

Colon Cleansing

Your colon is the sewage system of your body. If the wastes in your colon are allowed to build up, they will decay and be absorbed through the walls of your colon and into your bloodstream. These toxins can poison your brain and nervous system so that you become depresses, weak, irritable, heavy and lethargic.

Colon Cleansing
Your breath becomes foul because the toxins poison your lungs, you become bloated and distressed because the toxins have accumulated in your digestive tract, and your skin becomes sallow and unhealthy because of the toxins floating around in your blood. Every organ in your body is affected. You feel and look older, your joints become still and painful, your eyes get dull and your thinking becomes sluggish. Thus, the joy of living is no more!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Colon Cleansing And Fatigue

Colon Cleansing
Fatigue is one of the commonest symptoms reported to the doctor. However, the tools the doctor has at his/her disposal to treat fatigue are very limited. Alternative medicine is usually much better placed to treat fatigue successfully - and the colon is often involved.
Colon Cleansing
First of all, the doctor should be consulted if you are fatigued - just to eliminate possible causes, the main medical reason being low thyroid function. If this has been excluded along with any other causes the doctor may discover, then it is time to consider the commonest cause of fatigue found by alternative practitioners; an excess of toxins in the body. This type of fatigue is usually worse as the progresses. It is often indicated by dropping of on the sofa in the at 9pm or so.
Colon Cleansing
Why Do Toxins Cause Tiredness? Toxins are simply waste products from cell metabolism which, in excess, can clog up the tissues. They tend to settle where the tissues are weak. For example, if we have inherited a weakness in certain organs, or if we have weakened areas because of old injuries, it is harder for the body to 'flush' out these toxin deposits so they tend to accumulate in weak areas, and grow. In time, these toxin deposits start to reduce the body's efficiency, and tiredness and fatigue are common results.
Colon Cleansing
Another way to look at this is to imagine that you have inherited a slight weak liver, kidney and heart; imagine they are operating at 90 efficiency. In time, they get down to 70% - this might take many years. At this time the toxin load of the body as a whole will have increased markedly because of the reduced function of these organs and general tiredness and fatigue can easily set in. The doctor cannot diagnose anything because no specific illness is present.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Natural Colon Cleansing Is Important Because

If your body is not eliminating waste matter properly, the waste matter will stick around your body, and no matter how many salves you put on your skin, or how many vitamins and herbs you ingest, the junk in your system will just keep on pestering you!

When discussing detoxification, it is important to differentiate between toxins in the bowels and toxins in the bloodstream.

Toxins in the bowels refer to waste matter that has gathered in the bowels [colon] and is awaiting expulsion. When this natural expulsion does not occur, due to constipation that stems from wrong dietary habits, the waste matter will accumulate in the bowels [colon] and eventually leak back into the bloodstream. In addition, the impacted waste matter will prevent essential nutrients from being absorbed into the bloodstream. This condition is medically known as bowel toxemia.

Keep in mind that, the colon is the focal point of your food processing system. IT MUST BE running smoothly for you to function at your best.

Waste should be eliminated through the bowels regularly at least a 1-2 times per day. This is due to the fact that a healthy colon eliminates waste in 6-12 hours.

A sluggish bowel can actually retain pounds of old toxic and poisonous fecal matter. Modern dietary habits have caused that the colon and digestive tract of nearly every adult is burdened with a lifetime of accumulation of toxic waste materials. Most people’s colons, instead of being fast moving sewer systems, have become stagnant cesspools

Why Is Keeping A Clean Colon So Important

A sluggish, constipated, swollen bowel, retaining pounds of old fecal matter can either compress a nearby area causing disease, or emit infection and toxins which can affect and infect any area of the body. The entire colon is so big that it is connected to, touches, sits next to or is in the vicinity of every major organ in the human body except the brain. It also touches most of your major blood vessels and nerves. Constipation causes the colon to literally swell, expand and even herniate. And according to the leading medical books, it is happening to all of us.

A clean colon, that has a healthy balance of intestinal flora, is the body's first line of defense. However, our internal detoxification and elimination process can breakdown from

a)Exposure to pollution in our air
b)Food and water
c)Poor diet
d)Lack of adequate fiber
e)Excessive alcohol
f)Caffeine and sugar
g)High stress
h)Lack of exercise
i)Overuse of antibiotics
j)Prescription medications

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What you need to know about colon cleanse products and therapies

Many popular colon cleanse herbs contain substances called anthraquinones, such as cascara sagrada, rhubarb, and senna.

Anthraquinones are responsible for the laxative effects of these herbs, but they have also been linked with these side effects

1.Strong cramping and griping pains in the abdomen due to muscle contractions.
2.Electrolyte imbalance (loss of potassium) and loss of body fluids
3.Nausea, bloody diarrhea, rash
4.Dark pigmentation in the colon, called melanosis coli, with longer term use.
5.May interact with heart medication.
6.Pregnant or nursing women and children should not laxatives containing anthraquinones
7.Linked to liver toxicity, hepatitis, kidney impairment, increased risk of colorectal growths (adenoma) and cancer

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


For those of you who wish to clean not only your colon, but your liver as well, you are in luck. Many of the herbal supplements designed to clean the colon also affects other organs in the body. Because colon and liver both play a vital part in the elimination of wastes in the body, it is a good idea to take supplements that will target both. Below are a few facts related to cleaning more than just the colon.The benefits of a healthy liver include better filtering of toxins in the blood, including alcohol, bacteria and wastes. It also is integral for metabolizing proteins, and stabilizing hormone and cholesterol levels. Milk Thistle Extract is a great herb for keeping the liver healthy. Because the digestive tract in the body is all hooked together, even one digestive organ that is out of whack can cause issues with the rest of the tract. What this means to you is that you may feel tired, cranky, depressed or sick.

Colon Cleansing

Colon Cleansing

Nowadays, people are getting more aware and cautious about their total health - both external as well as internal health. Colon cleanliness is very good for problems concerning bowels, the intestines and digestion related health disorders.

The process of colon cleansing also helps to develop a good skin texture, an excellent feeling of well-being and a surge of inner confidence.

Constipation and obesity are very common disorders, which are seen all over the world. Colon cleansing has shown amazing results to ward of these problems. Now, let's see how it is done and explore the different methods that make this process simple and easy to do.