Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Various intenstial problem

Colon Cleansing
Bowel problems can cause nutritional deficiency, regardless of how good your diet is or how many vitamins you take. A poor diet creates sticky fecal matter. When there is not proper elimination, deposits of fecal matter build up along the wall of the colon or in the pockets of the colon. That's why even a mild case of constipation is a serious problem. Normally, the body pushes wastes out of your colon in eighteen to twenty-four hours. However, when you're not eliminating properly, these wastes may not leave for days. Usually the material deposits along your colon walls, it may not leave for months or years. These deposits of fecal matter in the colon get irritated. This may lead to a spastic or inflamed colon, conditions that interfere even more with nutrient absorption and also with proper bowel function. The feces that remain in one's system begin to decay, releasing toxins and poisonous gases that seep out into the blood and poison all the organs and tissues. The blood stream itself gets polluted, preventing it from removing the cells' wastes. So the whole system is poisoned by wastes.
Colon Cleansing

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