Saturday, October 11, 2008

Colon Cleansing And Fatigue

Colon Cleansing
Fatigue is one of the commonest symptoms reported to the doctor. However, the tools the doctor has at his/her disposal to treat fatigue are very limited. Alternative medicine is usually much better placed to treat fatigue successfully - and the colon is often involved.
Colon Cleansing
First of all, the doctor should be consulted if you are fatigued - just to eliminate possible causes, the main medical reason being low thyroid function. If this has been excluded along with any other causes the doctor may discover, then it is time to consider the commonest cause of fatigue found by alternative practitioners; an excess of toxins in the body. This type of fatigue is usually worse as the progresses. It is often indicated by dropping of on the sofa in the at 9pm or so.
Colon Cleansing
Why Do Toxins Cause Tiredness? Toxins are simply waste products from cell metabolism which, in excess, can clog up the tissues. They tend to settle where the tissues are weak. For example, if we have inherited a weakness in certain organs, or if we have weakened areas because of old injuries, it is harder for the body to 'flush' out these toxin deposits so they tend to accumulate in weak areas, and grow. In time, these toxin deposits start to reduce the body's efficiency, and tiredness and fatigue are common results.
Colon Cleansing
Another way to look at this is to imagine that you have inherited a slight weak liver, kidney and heart; imagine they are operating at 90 efficiency. In time, they get down to 70% - this might take many years. At this time the toxin load of the body as a whole will have increased markedly because of the reduced function of these organs and general tiredness and fatigue can easily set in. The doctor cannot diagnose anything because no specific illness is present.

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